If you would like to arrange a conversation with a member of our senior team to learn more about REAch2 or becoming part of a multi-academy trust, please contact our Head of Programme Management, Lee Francis.

Lee Francis
Head of Programme Management
We are always very happy to hear from those who wish to join the REAch2 family or simply learn a little more about us and what we do. The decision to take on any new schools is decided on a case by case basis and always based on robust due diligence.
REAch2 News

How REAch2 Academies Are Supporting Vulnerable Families Through COVID-19
The Trust is incredibly proud of the lengths that our Academies are going to in order to support children and families and we are pleased to be able to share an insight into their incredible work via this short video. Whilst the video represents just a small sample of what REAch2 Academies are doing, we … Read More

Life is an Adventure, School should be too!
Of course, it’s essential that our children can read, write and add up to the level that you would expect for their age, however at REAch2, the school has always been about so much more. Think back – what do you remember about your primary school days? Was it phonics lessons or learning how to … Read More

REAch2 Academies Appear in Steve McQueens Year 3 Exhibition
Turner Prize-winning artist and Oscar-winning filmmaker Steve McQueen has unveiled his epic portrait of London’s Year 3 pupils at the Tate Britain. Using the traditional school class photograph, the artwork spans the length of the Sculpture Gallery and is one of the most ambitious portraits of children ever undertaken in the UK. Over 76,000 children … Read More